Human Rights Watch

Kualli Tonalli, Q-vo Raza, good day and greetings to all. I pray you and the whole family are doing great, and have been in regeneration of mind body, and spirits! I am doing well, and am in the Mexican Town of Detroit, Michigan preparing for Cinco de Mayo, AHUA!!! coming to observe the respect and preservation of the First Nations’ sacred burial mounds in the area.

I went to the only sacred burial mound here in what they call Fort Wayne.  😢 Sadly, I was given information that there were more but they were bulldozed for construction 🚧

It seems to be a habit and mode of operation in dealing with First Nations around the world 🌎 (in Belize they bulldoze pyramids). I had just come from Pennsylvania where we met in Teaneck with local activists, to observe and hear about another very sacred site in their neighborhood.

There is a sacred ancient burial mound of First Nations Delaware peoples and the lot to one side was used as a cemetery for the colonists’ slaves. With modernity, the city took a bulldozer, removed all the burial mound up and into the slave graveyard, and mixed it up. With time and with the rain, the sacred remains began to come out, and there has also been looting of them. Still, there is no protection on the site.

We had a meeting with the neighbors and the Juneteenth Afro-American descendants, the principal Chief of the Delaware Sand Hill Band Dr. Ronald Yonaguska Holloway, and yours truly, to listen and help decide how to advance in the protection of this sacred place, in accordance with the UNDRIP, the United Nations Declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples, and basic decency!

I have been named…as the new… Cultural AttaChé for Outreach and Repatriation of Antiquities and Artifacts, of FANA, the Federation of Aboriginal Nations of the Americas

Mr. Guadalupe Casas Acosta, Mazatzin, Dr. HC. +1(415)756-5589

Knowledge Towards Your Cosmic Identity

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