Countdown Clock



YOUALPOTZINTLI = Respectable Nocturnal Companions

The 9 guides of the night belong to count of TEZKATLIPOKA and help mold the potential that is received by our internal self.  They help us to know and accept ourselves as we truly are.  They link the human count of 260 days to Earth´s 365 ¼ days count.

REQUEST FOR YOUR TONALLI ($5) (Will Be Delayed Due To Maintenance)

Thank you for contacting us and for your desire to know your TONALLI, which is a piece of the Sun that represents the name and archetype associated with the Year, Date and Time of one's birth. This is our first step to a Tonalamatl which is a complete study. There are 4 Year Signs: HOUSE, RABBIT, REED, FLINT that repeat with a subsequent number from. 1-13. There are 20 Day Signs that also repeat with a subsequent number from 1-13. Here we will share this correlation with your birth DAY and YEAR

Payment for: Tonalli

Amount: $5.00

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